First Hyogo Prefectural Office information

  • English

Government official’s office (former kinban-doshin working quarters)

The First Hyogo Prefectural Office is based on a picture that was created as part of a report to the shogunate, when the Amagasaki jinya (the regional government offices) were converted into the Hyogo Administrative Office. In the picture, this room is shown as the working quarters of kinban-doshin officials, but it is thought to have been used as an office for government officials when the building functioned as the Prefectural Office. Kinban-doshin were officials from the Osaka Magistrate’s Office who would work at the Hyogo Administrative Office in monthly rotations. This acted as their office during their time in Hyogo-no-tsu, and it is thought that they would set out on town patrols and other work from this base. Some of the government officials at the Prefectural Office were former doshin officials from the Administrative Office, such as Yamazaki Issaku, who worked in a police-like position known as a minsei-gakari.